Michael Motivation Cards™

10 Submission

10 Submission
Card Context... Assess your priorities and allegiances.

“Came to believe in a power greater than One’s Self”

Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous

Submission defined in the Michael Teaching

Symbols and Color
  • The Horse: Knight – Symbol of the Warrior Set
  • Bulls Eye Target: Goal Group
  • Penny: Ordinal Orientation Card 59
  • Clubs: Action Axis
  • Color: Red – Warrior Set

Implications in the Upright Position or the Positive Pole

When people commit to a cause, then their devotion is a spiritual bond. Families, like this group of people each enclosing the hands, show loyalty for the common welfare. It is allegiance to common cause and to one’s comrades that keep people together and progress is being made.

Card messages in the Illuminated position.

+ Devotion

(Surrender, loyalty, principal, fealty, allegiance, commitment)

  1. Devotion is an act of loyalty which carries honor for the doer because a purpose larger than themselves is at stake.  ‘Surrender to the process’ is called for when you align with higher principles. Do you know what principle is at stake?”
  2. Genuine devotion holds the commitment to look beyond specific faults and see the big picture. Be alert for someone whose commitment is wavering. Is it you?
  3. The message is about priorities. Your task trumps yourself at this moment for attention. Give of yourself fully but not to the point of total exhaustion.
  4. You are going on a mission, a quest. Get what you need to act. Be ready.
  5. Align with higher principles. Make sure you really understand what is at stake. 
  6. Allegiance to friends, country, and values carries the commitment to look beyond specific faults and see the big picture. Shore up your commitment and know your love is needed and received.
  7. Mr. Spock once remarked “the needs of the many must outweigh the needs of the few, or the one.” Yet, sometimes the needs of the one carry the hopes of the many. You are needed. It is OK to take care of yourself.
  8. Patriotism is to love the values of one’s country. Commitment to those you love is an allegiance between souls.
  9. Never forget, everyone is loyal to love. Just how much and who.
  10. The loyal Warrior understands commitment is often a long-haul project. It is more than a simple “I do” or “I will”; it is an ongoing evaluation of “how do I do it now?” While your commitment to a person, objective, or principle may not have changed, depending upon where you are in the cycle, the way you show devotion to it might look very different in behavior than when you began. 
Quotes illustrating the Overleaf in this pole
  • “The good of the many must outweigh the needs of the few…Or, the one.” Mr. Spock
  • “True strength lies in submission which permits one to dedicate his life, through devotion, to something beyond himself.” Henry Miller
  • “The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it – and the glow from that fire can truly light the world”~ John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Implications of the Reversed Position or Negative Pole

A fighter that doesn’t know when to stop getting up is beaten into Submission. The trick of Perseverance is to discern when to spend energy and when to recognize when an attempt becomes futile and self-defeating. Sometimes, you have to stay down to fight another day.

Card messages in the Shadow position.

+ Subservient

(submissive, deference, obedience, follower, downtrodden, exhausted)

  1. Are you under the thumb of someone or some system that you are following blindly? Make a run for it. They can easily turn on you.
  2. Don’t ally with a stupid cause. You are being used.
  3. A warrior with no principled investment is nothing more than a mercenary or compliant soldier, or canon fodder. Are you marching to someone else’s drum beat with no allegiance to it?
  4. The nature of subservience demands conformity. Can you see yourself under the thumb of someone or some system that is causing you to follow blindly?
  5. Muster your courage. The boss is wrong. 
  6. Subservience is the fate of the defeated and indentured servant. Don’t submit yourself to anything or anyone without full disclosure from them. That is your responsibility to ask for.
  7. Even a maniac can appeal to your feelings of being downtrodden. Attaching yourself to a cause that is motivated by revenge or victimhood is the surest way to end up on the receiving end of that motive. Fight for something, not against it.
  8. If you feel as if you are at the bottom of the heap, or the totem pole, then your choice is to start digging your way out and climbing your way up. Or, stay there and feel the pressure every day.
  9. Never forget that justice can only happen between equals. Otherwise, what is really going on is nothing more than retribution or appeasement. Who’s on the down side of this?
  10. Question authority and traditional wisdom. Here one is confronted with accepting or shirking the responsibility to act in accordance or in defiance. Is the one issuing orders credible and honorable or a crackpot and ominous?
  11. The old adage that ‘insanity is doing the same old thing over and over, but expecting different results”, applies here. Offer no resistance to the pain, but don’t put yourself in line to get more.
  12. Stay down! Now is the time to regroup and not be persuaded that getting up every time is the right thing to do. Choose your battles and don’t waste your energy.
Quotes illustrating the Overleaf in this pole
  • “The disappearance of a sense of responsibility is the most far-reaching consequence of submission to authority.” Stanley Milgram
  • “Man is a feeble creature, to whom only submission and worship are becoming. Pride is insolence, and belief in human power is impiety”~ Bertrand Russell
  • “One should respect public opinion insofar as is necessary to avoid starvation and keep out of prison, but anything that goes beyond this is voluntary submission to an unnecessary tyranny.” Bertrand Russell
  • “Perpetual devotion to what a man calls his business is only to be sustained by perpetual neglect of many other things.” Robert Louis Stevenson

Relevance within the Michael Teaching

The Goal of Submission is one of the pair of Action Goals which concerns itself with its placement in the range of human hierarchy. Yet, as the Warrior nature, which is its antecedent, Submission in its highest manifestation is not to a person, but to a principle or cherished value. Of which, the person is likely to view the survival and furtherance of that value or goal as the focus of all their life energy and the as being more important than their own betterment. The motive of this goal is to comprehend what it means to be lead by something or someone else or in the contracted expression to submit yourself to the will of another.

Cooperative with the Goal of Dominance, Submission does not mean weak nor any less potentially egotistical. The primary Essence objective for this goal is to motivate actions which go beyond the immediate self-interests and encourage actions which may bring benefit to many far greater than would be accomplished by individual acquisition or achievement.

In the negative pole, one operates from a belief that one is less wise than a leader. The tendency will arise for that person to blindly follow anyone or any cause which calls forth in him/herself that need to feel alignment or doing something important.

Yet another manifestation of this negative pole of Submission, reveals a person who feels despondent or unworthy because they have no direct sense of purpose or usefulness.

Cultural Application

Submission, in the modern era, has lost much of its religious devotional meaning; which suggests that surrender to a so-called higher wisdom, cause, being, etc. will secure and preferred status in the eyes of that commanding presence. So too, the act of yielding ones will and servitude to this power will provide the individual an inner a sense of peace and assuredness. Many militaristic and theocratic societies and philosophies are based upon this viewpoint. Know that with the genuine desire to preserve what one values as “good” or “necessary” being the emotional pull string which is genuine in all human beings; commonly people will devalue their own knowingness and focus their energy on a charismatic leader or dominant social norm and make it their rallying cry. Operating from a belief that one is less wise than a leader or that a better interpretation for an objective exists simply because a more popular belief forebears the emergence of the syndrome known as the “True Believer.” When Sociologist Eric Hoffer coined this term by his book of the same name, he observed in many “movements” the tendency of some individuals to subvert their own intelligence to the direction of the figurehead.

Famous People

Joan of Arc, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Ralph Nader, Mr. Rogers, Jack Benny, Ellen Burnsted, Nelson Mandela, Joan Baez, Pope John Paul II,

Submission may be your Goal if:

  1. You do what you are told with blind obedience.
  2. Without a sense of purpose, or someone to give you orders or direction, you feel aimless and confused.
  3. I often feel compelled to find a cause to follow or to participate in a task.
  4. The goal is, more often than not, more important than my needs.
by Stephen Cocconi © 2011, Updated 2024

For a Michael Motivation Card Reading or Channeled Consultation call: 209.768-4956 or email Stephen at channeling@themichaelteaching.com
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