Michael Motivation Cards™

Revelation Spread (10)

The Revelation Spread of The Michael Tarot Divination Cards(10 cards) On occasion, a new or outside idea or approach is required. Get a "big picture" or "out-of-the-box" viewpoint from this spread. It offers you a different context and set of inputs than those you are working with now. If you desire a perspective freed from the limitations of your own attachments or perceived current circumstances, then this is the spread you should utilize.

Get a Michael reading with this layout:

1. History
The history as is has led to the situation.
2. Potential
What is possible from these circumstances.
3. Interference
An energy hindering you or interfering with your plans.
4. Protection
Gives you a shield or a buffer.
5. Unconscious
Operating below the surface of your awareness.
6. Looming
The next event or change to enter the equation.
7. Karmic Themes
Patterns in play that seek resolution and may help or hinder.
8. Hopes and Fears
Wishes, desires, concerns, and worries that are part of the energy mix which might sway the outcome.
9. Your Resolve
The decision for action or change of attitude which portends the outcome.
10. Gets Gotten
When potential (Card 2) is engaged, and your resolve (Card 9) set in motion, comprehension takes place.

Get a Michael reading with this layout:

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