Michael Motivation Cards™

Server Spread: Helping

Server - Helper First Responder - Fireman Based on the Server Archetype, helping is a fundamental act of sharing energy. This spread offers you an assessment of how or whether you should invest your energy. It asks you to consider three major questions: 1) Whether your help is actually needed?  2) If the kind of help you are offering is actually assisting them or whether you are actually hindering them?  3) Whether your motive to assist is based upon some need you have to be liked, in-control, or needed?
  • Card 1. Who is the Person/Object of your assistance? What is their need or motivation?
  • Card 2.  Positive Intent - Regardless of the circumstance the Being and the Personality each have a desire for a beneficial outcome or reaction. This card suggests that positive and desired may be rooted in light or dark motives.
  • Card 3. Costs or Consequences of Helping - The philanthropist can hide behind the veneer of generosity. Ego has a way of making itself superior in order to gain the esteem of others. What is the unstated price or result of responding to a request for aid?
  • Card 4. Impediments you might encounter - This card, even when in the positive poles, might indicate where you or the other might 'get in their own way', or too much of a good thing becomes a drag on progress.
  • Card 5. What is the best strategy to actually contribute beneficially? If a Shadow pole arrives, it might signal that a more measured or delayed approach is warranted.
What is conveyed in this layout is the energy influencing your desired outcome.  Ask wisely. Use the feedback wisely.

Get a Michael reading with this layout:

1. Describes the person or object you are wanting to help.
What is their need or motivation?
5. Best Strategy to Beneficially Contribute
If a Shadow pole arrives, it might signal that a more measured or delayed approach is warranted.
2. Positive Intent
This card suggests that positive and desired may be rooted in light or dark motives.
3. Cost or Consequences of Helping
What might be the effects on you?.
4. Impediments you might encounter.
Where you or the other might 'get in their own way', or too much of a good thing becomes a drag on progress.

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